Just want to take a moment to reset your parameters of odd, and pay homage to a man who's provided me w/many a morbid chuckle over the years, & who's work i've proudly supported, and sometimes admit out loud...
Ladies & Gentlemen...
the one & only
Max Cannon:

On the serious tip, his website contained an impassioned missive that i felt duty bound to pass along, and i can only add, as bad as the traditional newspaper biz is doing, imagine the situation
at alternative papers...

Thanks for indulging me, not everyone can pimp it Blondie & Dagwood style...
I've definitely noticed all kinds of worry about the print media drying up in the last week..potentially the Rocky Mtn ?? paper closing down is being perceived as the tipping point or something?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure yet how I feel about the loss; I was never into paper news of any shape.
my attachment to paper alt presses was being the major way to track shows and bands in the pre.internet days...
ReplyDeletethe time has passed, but there's still nostalgia...