Was the bigger suprise
Arcade Fire taking the
Record of the Year Grammy, (especially after losing to The Black Keys in the Alternative catagories), or the sound of thousands of hipsters gulping and realizing that there might be an iota of relevancy in those Grammys after all? Or perhaps all the pissed off mainstream types who didn't seem to be cognizant of a group that hit the top ten with it's second record and went #1 with it's third. Does that just speak more to how easily people can get lost in their own niche? A few amusing moments can be had with the Tumbler:
'Who Is Arcade Fire".After a week of driving their hardcore fanbase mad with convoluted teasings about a
secret show in LA, they appeared at the Ukranian Culture Center, to the delight of those who camped out overnight at three locations in the LA area, (including Origami Vinyl in Echo Park-those folks most assuredly earned their tickets).
Fittingly, it was said that they walked into the Grammy press room singing 'Pomp & Circumstance'. Graduation time, indeed, and in the words of Jack White, they "now belong to the world..."
Shows what I know, all I knew about Grammys was that Mumford was playing with Dylan. I suppose they should probably decide exactly who they are pandering to with the awards though, as the Lady Antebellum & Arcade Fire crowds don't have much overlap.