Ahhh, let us ponder that eternal question...My new favourite webpage: The Surrealist Compliment Generator...For instance, just now i got: 'THE SISTERS OF ST CATHODE ASK THAT YOU COVER YOURSELF IN FILAMENTS AND TAKE PAINS TO MAKE YOURSELF FULLY INCANDESCENT THIS EVENING'
I feel blessed, and quite frankly, it sure beats the hell out of fortune cookies and daily horoscopes...(thx to Gordon in D.C. for enlightenment...)
I always get a perverse thrill, and a collective duh when i announce this as my favorite Beatles song. Almost a guaranteed conversation ender w/a diehard fan, which is not necessarily a bad thing...
Who in the world could claim this song as a throwaway, requiring a trip to the deepest darkest corners of the catalogue to find? The Hauling of the Ashes, that generational event known as "Let's Put The Beatles Catalogue Out Again" is now upon us...arriving in stores this week as mammoth boxes of mono or stereo mixes, and individual cd's to beat the band. This is but an appetite whetter, so if they not be your particular cuppa, go to sleep for a week or two, and then we'll be back to the usual.
Amongst my peers, they are more myth than music, and the refreshing part of this round is the focus on the music...Early accounts are raves-i skipped the original cd releases, was torn between the lack of pops and skips and the downright crap stereo mix. Word is Capitol got it right this time...i'm looking forward to dipping in.
As for the cross merchandising in the form of a video game, I'll let the younger generation come to grips with that...If that's what it takes to indoctrinate a whole new generation, so be it. And rather than just being overwhelmed by the media myth, maybe they'll come away with a deeper appreciation of the nuts and bolts of the actual music...
As for me, their greatest accomplishment was exploding the possibilities of multi.track recording. It still blows my mind that Sgt Pepper was done on 4 tracks...